Hoffmann, August Heinrich, born at Fallersleben in Liineburg, 1798, completed his education at Bonn and Gottingen, and became in 1830 professor of language and literature at Breslau, whence he was expelled in 1842 owing to the Liberal tone of his Unpolitische Lieder. Though restored to favour after the Revolution, he never resumed teaching, but maintained himself by literature, excelling as a song-writer and an investigator of early German philology. His Songs for Children may be regarded as his best work, in 1860 the Duke of Ratibor appointed him his librarian, and this position he held at his death in 1874. He is often spoken of as Fallersleben. V Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm, was born at Kiinigsberg in 1776, and, his parents having separated, the wayward but, intelligent child was brought up rather erratically. He showed great versatility of talent as a musician, a painter, and a romancist. but for profession adopted the law. In 1806 he seems to have lost his official position, and for eight years he struggled on in great poverty as a composer, teacher, and theatrical director. When peace came in 1814 he received a legal post at Berlin, and died in 1822. His first and most remarkable work is the Phantasiestiiclce, for which Jean Paul Richter wrote an introduction.