Hofer, Andrew, born at, St Leonhard, in the Passeyer Thai, Tyrol, in 1767, succeeded to his father's business as an innkeeper and dealer in wine and horses. When in 1796 the French invaded the country, he was at the head of a company of volunteer riflemen, and to him was chiefly due the organisation of the military resources of the Tyrol, the negotiations with Austria, and the rising against the French and Bavarians in 1809. He was so successful at Sterzing and Innsbruck that, after the defeat of the Austrians at Wagram, he resolved to continue the struggle, and for some time kept the enemy at bay. Finally compelled to submit, he took up arms again on hearing that Austria was in the field, but his followers never rallied to him, and he was caught in the mountains through the treachery of Donay, a priest, brought to Mantua, tried by court-martial, and shot, contrary to its sentence, February 20,1810, at the express order of Napoleon.