Hoche, Lazare, born in 1768, enlisted at the age of sixteen, and soon rose to be a sergeant in the French Guards. His first distinction was won by protecting the queen against the mob, but he adopted the cause of the Revolution, fought bravely at Thionville and Neerwinden, and as general of brigade assisted Souham in defending Dunkirk against the Duke of York. The command of the army of the Moselle was now given to him, and1 though unable to prevent, a junction between the Austrians and Prussians, he defeated the former at Weissenburg (1793). Robespierre caused him to be thrown into prison, but at the end of the Terror he was liberated and sent to pacify La Vendee and Brittany. Here he was quite successful, and his next duty was to lead the futile expedition of 179S against Ireland. In the following year he succeeded Jourdain in the command of the army of the Sambre and Meuse. On the eve of a decisive victory the Peace of Leoben put an end to hostilities. Six months later Hoche died very suddenly at the age of thirty-three.