Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Hoang-ho, Whang-ho. or Yellow River, one of the greatest of Chinese rivers, rises in the mountains of Tibet (lat. 34° N., long. 98° E.), and flowing N.E. traverses the province of Karsu and enters Chinese Tartary; then, sweeping round, it takes a course due S., dividing the province of Shense from that of Shanse. Finally, with a sharp bend to E. and N.E., it passes through Honan and Shantu, and empties the mass of yellow mud, from which its name is derived, into the Gulf of Pe-chi-li. Though it has a length of 2,500 miles and very considerable breadth, it is for the most part too shallow for navigation, and its liability to floods renders dykes necessary in many places. Tsinan and Kaifong are the chief cities on its banks.