Hoadley, Benjamin, son of the headmaster of the Norwich grammar school, was born in 1676, and became a fellow of St. Catherine Hall, Cambridge. Helving taken holy orders and obtained preferment, in London, he plunged into the controversy in which Ai.terbury was engaged as to the doctrine of non-resistance and the subordination of Church to State. His advocacy of anti-clerical doctrines was so much appreciated by Parliament that he was specially recommended to Queen Anne for promotion. On the accession of George I. he was made Bishop of Bangor, and in that capacity started the Bangorian controversy. His views were condemned by the Lower House of Convocation, and, to obviate any further discussion, the debating of any but formal matters was forbidden to that body for more than a century. He was raised. successively to the sees of Hereford, Salisbury, and Winchester, and he lived to enjoy the revenues of the latter till 1761.