Hippolytus. 1. The legendary son of Theseus and Hippolyte, who had the misfortune lo win involuntarily the love of Phaedra, his stepmother. As the youth's modesty was proof against her advances, she denounced him to her husband for the crime which he had refused to commit. Theseus drove his son forth, calling upon him the wrath of Neptune, who sent his sea-calves to frighten by their bellowing the horses of Hippolytus as he drove along the shore. He was thrown from his chariot and torn to pieces among the rocks, and his story provided material for the Hipqjolytus of Euripides and the Phielre of Racine.
2. A Greek Christian writer of the 3rd century, who appears to have lived and taught in Rome. He took part against Callistus in the controversies of the day, and under Alexander Severus is said to have been banished to Sardinia, dying there about 240.
His most valuable work is entitled Omnium Hcsresium Bcftitatio, and contains most interesting information as to the ante-Nicene controversies.