Hilary St
Hilary, St., "of Arles," was born about 401 on the borders of Lorraine. He succeeded his kinsman St. Honoratus as Bishop of Arles and Metropolitan of Vienne and Narbonne. In this latter capacity he deposed Chelidonius, Bishop of Besancon, against, the orders of Pope Leo I., who deprived him of his functions, a sentence confirmed by the memorable edict of Valentinian III. He continued, however, to exercise the duties of his see until his death in 442. Besides his reputation for austere piety and devotion to the Gallican Church, he enjoyed some fame as an author, his extant Life of St. Honoratus and Metrical Version of the First Chapters of Genesis showing considerable literary power. In the Roman Calendar his day is kept on May 5. Some writers consider him to have been the author of the so-called Athanasian Creed.