Hilary, St., "of Poitiers," known as "the Athanasius of the West," and "Malleus Arianorum," was born at Poitiers about 300. A pagan and a married man, he embraced Cliristianity somewhat late in life, and was made bishop of his native town in 350, continuing to live with his wife. He stood forth as one of the staunchest opponents of Arian doctrines, then supported by the Emperor Constantius, and, having addressed an epistle to that sovereign, was by him banished into Phrygia. He returned in 360 after composing in exile his famous treatises, De Synodis, De Fide Orientalinm. and De Trinitate, and after personally visiting the Emperor at Constantinople. His later years were devoted to the task of commenting on the Psalms, the Gospel of St. Matthew, and the Book of Job. He died on January 13, A.D. 368, and his name is perpetuated in Hilary Term, though that begins on January 11, three days before the date with which his name is associated in the Roman Calendar. The Tc Deum Laudamus is occasionally attributed to him.