Heterostyly, or Heterogony, the possession of stamens and styles of different relative length in different flowers of the same species. In primroses and their allies dimorphic heterostyly occurs, one form, the long-styled or pin-eyed, having the stigma at the top of the corolla-tube and the stamens half-way down it, whilst in the other, the short-styled or thrum-eyed, their positions are reversed. The common purple loosestrife, Lythrum Salicaria, is an example of trimorphic heterostyly, long-, medium-, and short-styled forms occurring, each with two rows of stamens of lengths other than that of its own style. Darwin first showed heterostyly to be an adaptation to cross-pollination by insect-agency, corresponding parts of an insect's body touching the anthers of one flower and the stigma of another, whilst the pollen from any anther was prepotent on the stigma at a similar level.