Hesiod, one of the earliest of Greek poets, was born at Cyme in AEolia. As a boy he went to Ascra in Boeotia, whence he is sometimes called "the Ascraean," and is said in later life to have practised divination in Acarnania and to have been a priest in the temple of the Muses at Mount Helicon. He afterwards went to Locris, where he was murdered and thrown into the sea; but dolphins brought his body to the shore, thus leading to the discovery and punishment of his murderers. His date is unknown, but is sometimes put at 900 B.C. His works are the Theogony, a history of the origin and deeds of the gods. Fragments, too, exist of a work called The Shield of Hercules, which was probably part of a larger work; but the Works and Days, an epic dealing mainly with rural life, is the best known of all his productions, and was by the Boeotians considered the only genuine one of those attributed to him. This has been translated into English verse and prose.