Herzen, Alexander (1812-70), a Russian writer, was born in Moscow, and educated at the university there, where he imbibed philosophical and socialistic, views. In 1834 he was imprisoned for joining in a song against the emperor, and was banished to Siberia. By the intercession of the Grand Duke Alexander he was allowed to live at Vladimir, and in 1839 he was set free, and was appointed secretary to Count Strogonoff, Minister of the Interior. His advanced views again displeased the Government, and he was sent to Novgorod, where he was made Imperial Councillor. The death of his father in 1847 gave him the means of obtaining leave to travel, and he left Russia for ever. He visited Italy, France, England, and Switzerland, and die'd at Paris. He was patriotic, and devoted to the advancement of the Slavonic races. In 1857 he started a journal Kolokol, in London, removing it afterwards to Geneva. Among his works were letters, novels, memoirs, and translations.