Hertzian Oscillations
Hertzian Oscillations. Of recent years Maxwell's theory of the electro-magnetic ether has been gaining considerable ground, both experiment ami calculation confirming the statement that radiation through the ether is of the same nature, whether it manifest itself as light energy, heat energy, or electrical energy. [Maxwell's Theory.] The only important difference that exists between these kinds of radiation is that, while all are wave motions of some sort, the waves are not all of the same length and frequency. Those oscillations due to electrical displacements, frequently called Hertzian oscillations, are of greater weive-length and less frequency than those due to the passage of what is called red light, and these latter again are of greater wave-length and less frequency than those due to violet light. Inasmuch as the eye is only capable of distinguishing waves of such frequencies as lie between the red and violet limits, it cannot recognise electro-magnetic radiation, which therefore requires another sense to distinguish it. The case is similar to that of a vessel of hot water in a dark room; this is radiating dark heat, indistinguishable to the eye but readily detected by the sense of touch. Dr. Hertz of Carlsruhe has succeeded in showing experimentally that electrical oscillations may be transmitted through a suitable dielectric or non-conductgr, and that the waves thus produced may be reflected from or refracted through plane or curved surfaces in precisely similar fashion to the reflection or refraction of light-waves. [Light, Radiation.1