Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Herbert George
Herbert, George (1593-1633), younger brother of the above, was born at Montgomery Castle. He was educated at Westminster and at Trinity College, Cambridge, becoming fellow of the latter society in 1615, and being from 1619 to 1627 public orator of the university. In 1625 he was ordained, and was appointed to a prebend at Lincoln. In 1630 he was ordained priest, and appointed to the living of Bemerton, Wiltshire, where he led a life of piety and humility. He is chiefly known by his poem The Temple, and a prose work The Country Parson, and through his life, written by Izaak Walton. Parts of his Temple have almost passed into proverbs, e.g. "Touch not the third glass," "Constancy doth knit the bones, and make them stour."