Hastings Francis Rawdon Hastings
Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings , Marquis of (1754-1826), one of the ablest of the Governor-Generals of India, was the eldest son of the first Earl of Moira. He left Oxford without taking a degree, and in 1773 went to America as a lieutenant in the army. He served with distinction throughout the war, and in 1778 was made adjutant general in America. He commanded the left at the battle of Camden (August 16, 1780), and on April 25, 1781, won the battle of Hobkirk's Hill. Soon after this he sailed for England, and was captured on the way by a French cruiser, but speedily exchanged. He entered the Irish Parliament, and in 1783 was created an English peer. At first he acted with Pitt, but afterwards joined the Opposition, and as Lord Moira became the intimate friend of the Regent. He served under the Duke of York in Belgium, and in 1797 was talked of as head of a Whig Ministry. He strongly opposed the Irish Union in both Parliaments. After being some time commander of the forces in Scotland, he joined the "Ministry of All the Talents" as Master of the Ordnance. After the death of Perceval he was again destined for office, but soon after Lord Liverpool became Premier Lord Moira went to India as Governor of Bengal. Here he remained from 1813 to 1823. His term of office was marked by the subjection of the Goorkha state of Nepaul, for the conduct of which he, in 1816, was made a Marquis; by the defeat of the Pindharees and Mahrattas in 1817-18; by the purchase of Singapore (1819); and by the ability with which financial and administrative questions were treated. Notwithstanding all this, and the considerable additions he had made to their territory, he was accused by the East India Company of being interested in a banking firm which had made a loan to the Nizam, and in consequence of the feeling which was displayed he resigned in 1821. In 1824 he was made Governor of Malta, and died on board ship in Baiae Bay two years later. His family had no connection with that of Warren Hastings, whose career was in some respects so much like his own.