Harris, Joel Chandler (b. 1848), the author of Uncle Remus, was born in Georgia. He began life as a printer, but eventually became a journalist, and was ill 1890 appointed editor of the Atlanta Constitution. His chief work, a study of negro folklore, appeared in 1880, and was followed by Nights with Uncle Remus (1883), Mingo, and other Sketckcs (1884), and other tales. .' Harris, Thomas Lake (b. 1823), the founder of a spiritualist body called the Brotherhood of the New Life, was born at Fenny Stratford, Bucks, but soon went with his father to America. He returned to England in 1858, and was there again in 1866, but finally settled in California. His brotherhood was founded on the principles of Swedenborg on its religious and of Fourier on its social side, with certain additions of his own. As head of it he exercised supreme influence, among those who submitted to it being Laurence Oliphant (q.v.).
Harris's Arcana of Christianity and Modern Spiritualism set forth aspects of his teaching.