Harem (Arabic haram, "prohibited" or "sacred"). The portion of an Eastern household set apart for the women, into which no men, excepting occasionally their nearest relations, are allowed to enter. The name is also applied to the women themselves. The Koran does not allow more than four wives - except in the case of the Sultan, who may have seven - but a man is permitted any number of concubines. The wives and concubines in the Sultan's harem are, like their female attendants, 'slaves, generally brought from Circassia or Georgia. The harem is usually under the management of the Sultan's mother, who is called "Sultana," assisted by a trusty female superintendent. The duty of keeping watch over its members is entrusted to a body of eunuchs. The inmates spend their time in spinning, sewing, and other light household labours; also in adorning thenperson, walking in their gardens, watching the dances of slaves, etc. The mother of the Sultan's eldest male child, whatever her previous position, is regarded as his chief wife. When he dies those who have borne him daughters only regain their freedom, but those who have borne him sons are placed in the "old seraglio." The harem is confined to the richer classes; poor Moslems have only one wife.