Hardy Sir Thomas Masterman
Hardy, Sir Thomas Masterman, Bart., whose name is imperishably associated with that of Nelson, was born in 1769 in Somersetshire, and after seeing a considerable amount of service was made a commander in 1797 and a captain in 1798. As a commander, in the Mutine, he first attracted Nelson's attention, and he accompanied that hero in the pursuit of Bonaparte to Egypt. The battle of the Nile gained him his post-commission to the Vanguard, Nelson's flagship. Nelson took Hardy with him into the VictorY, which he commanded at Trafalgar. After the victory Hardy took his ship to Gibraltar for a hasty refit, and then brought her home with Nelson's body on board. At Nelson's funeral Captain Hardy bore the Banner of Emblems. He was at once created a baronet, and next served on the Halifax, Lisbon, and North American stations. During the war of 1812 he was continually engaged, and upon its conclusion was made a K.C.B. After further service as captain of a royal yacht and as commodore in South America, he attained flag-rank in 1825, and died a vice-admiral and Governor of Greenwich Hospital in 1839.