Halifax George Savile
Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of (1633-95), the celebrated "Trimmer," was made a Viscount for his share in bringing about the Restoration. Throughout his career it was his practice to support the principle of steady government and the men of moderation when in danger of being overborne by royal tyranny or popular clamour. Thus in 1675 he opposed the Test Bill, the repeal of which and the Habeas Corpus Act when demanded by James II. he likewise withstood. It was his eloquence which in 1679 procured the rejection of the Exclusion Bill by the House of Lords. From 1682 to 1685 he was Lord Privy Seal, and, though dismissed, was appointed by James II. to treat with William of Orange. That king had equal confidence in him and restored him to his office; but he soon found it necessary to go into opposition. His last notable act was his opposition to any censorship of the press. His Character of a Trimmer forms Halifax's apologia.