Hales John
Hales, John (1584-1656), one of the most enlightened thinkers of the 17th century, was born at Bath. At Oxford he became fellow of Merton and University lecturer on Greek, and he also delivered a funeral oration on Sir Thomas Bodley. In 1612 he became fellow of Eton, of which post he was deprived by the Parliament in 1649. He attended the Synod of Dort in 1618, and came back disgusted with theological prejudice. His religious opinions became very liberal, and he was charged with Socinianism, In spite, however, of his tract on Schism and Schismaticks, Laud made him one of his chaplains and obtained for him a canonry at Windsor. When deprived of his offices under the Commonwealth he lived with great simplicity as a private tutor, and sold his valuable library to a London bookseller. The Golden Remains of the Ever-memorable Mr. John Hales first appeared in 1659. His complete works were first collected and edited by Lord Hailes (q.v.).