Hadendoa, Hadendowa, a large branch of the Beja Hamites, whose territory extends from the foothills of North Abyssinia northwards to the Suakin district on the Red Sea coast. The tribal subdivisions are very numerous, some pastoral, others agricultural, with two permanent stations: Fillik on the plain east of the Herdub affluent of the Gash, and Miktinab farther south-west on the opposite side of the Herdub. Under the Egyptian rule, before the Mahdi's revolt, Miktinab was the official capital and residence of a hereditary prince whose authority was recognised from Tokar below Suakin southwards to Kassala and throughout Taka, three-fourths of whose inhabitants are Hadendoas. In Munziger's time (1870) they were said to number as many as a million; but they were greatly reduced during the Mahdist troubles (1884-92), when they were in frequent collision with the British forces holding Suakin. Thoy are a fierce, warlike people who still speak the Beja (Hamitic) language, though many of the chiefs understand Arabic and claim Arab descent.