Gwalior, a native Indian state under the control of the English Government. It consists of scattered districts, the principal of which is separated from Agra and Etawah by the Chambal. The extreme range of the state is between lat. 23° 21', and-26° 52' N., and long. 76° 31'and 79° 21' E., and it contains about 30,000 square miles. The N.E. part is level and not particularly productive, but farther S. it rises into scattered hills, on one of which is situated the fortress of Gwalior. In the middle is a plateau with an average height of 1,500 feet, and bounded on the S. by the Mandu range of mountains. The chief rivers are the Nerbudda, Chambal, and Sind. The climate is good during the hot and dry seasons, and there is abundance of wild beasts and birds, and the waters are well stocked with carp and other fish. The chief productions are opium, wheat, maize, rice, oil-seeds, ginger, sugar-cane, indigo, tobacco, and cotton, and some iron is smelted. The principal exports are opium, cotton, tobacco, dyes, and iron. The population is varied, but the ruling race is the Mahratta. The town of Gwalior is interesting as a rock fortress, the sandstone hill having been artificially rendered stronger, as being an ancient seat of Jain worship, and as possessing a palace of fifteenth-century architecture.