Guyon Jeanne Marie Bouvteres
Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvteres de la Mothe (1648-1717), a French mystic and quietist, was born at Montargis of an aristocratic family. She was brought up when-quite young by Ursulines and Benedictines, and practised many austerities. She was very anxious to take the veil, a course which her family would not allow. In 1663 she went to Paris and into society, and married M. Guyon. The marriage was not happy, and she took refuge in the indulgence of mystic fancies. In 1676 her widowhood left her more free, and in 1681 she gave herself to active religious works. In 1683 she published Les Torrens, and in 1684 a Treatise on Prayer. In 1688 she was imprisoned for heresy, but the influence of Madame de Maintenon obtained her release, and she went to live with her daughter, now married, near Paris. Fenelon and Bossuet had conferences, and Fenelon fell into disgrace for siding with her. She was afterwards banished to Blois. One of her characteristic writings was a mystical interpretation of the Song of Songs.