Guyof Warwick
Guy of Warwick, a character of medieeval fiction, possibly having an origin in some traditional character whose adventures are variously related. One account makes him a son of Siward of Wallingford, who, being put to proof of his valour by his lady love, fought the Saracens, came to Athelstan at York and killed a dragon, then married, then returned to the Holy Land as a palmer, and coming back to England killed the Danish champion Colbrand who with Anlaf was besieging Athelstan at Winchester. There appears to be some possible ground for this last legend if for Anlaf we read Olaf. He then is said to have lived at Warwick as a hermit, only revealing himself to his wife by sending her a ring from his deathbed. Another account makes the real Guy of Warwick to have been a Guy Beauchamp who died in 1315. Countless ballads and romances have set forth the incidents of his adventure with a furious dun cow. Its rib is still to be seen at Warwick,-together, with Guy's porridge-pot, and portions of his armour.