Gutzkow, Karl (1811-1878), German novelist and dramatist, was born at Berlin. He studied at the university there, and in 1831 undertook the publication of a periodical which turned- out a failure. In 1832 he published Briefe eines Narren an eine Ndrrin. For a time he contributed to a periodical at Stuttgart, and in 1835 went to Frankfort and started the Deutsche Revue - his next work, Wally die Zwciflcrin, forming the starting point of what was called "the Young Germany" movement. He was for a time imprisoned for his writings. He then married, and soon after composed a tragedy-called Richard Savage. Other of his works were Zopf unci Schwert, Das Urbild des Tartuffe, Uriel Acosta. In 1842 he wrote Briefe aits Paris, in 1850 Die Rittcr vom Geiste, and in 1859 Der Zauberer von Rom. His later works fell off in power and quality.