Guildford, the capital of Surrey, is a parliamentary and municipal borough 31 miles S.W. of London by rail. It is picturesquely situated on a slope of the chalk downs, beneath which runs the Wey, the High Street terminating in an old bridge with five arches. Of the ancient Norman castle little now remains excepting the lofty and massive square keep. The castle precincts are tastefully laid out as a public recreation ground. The High Street is lined by some fine old buildings, including the Guildhall (1687), King Edward VI.'s Grammar School, and Trinity Hospital, founded in 1619 by Archbishop Abbot for twenty aged persons, in the chapel of which there is some good stained glass. Near the High Street is the interesting Norman church of St. Mary, which has two apsidal terminations. There is a trade with London in grain, timber, and malt.