Guerin, Georges Maurice de (1810-39), a French poet of great promise, was born at La Cayla, Languedoc, of noble family. He was educated for the Church at Toulouse and Paris, and in 1832 joined the monastic society of Lamennais at La Cheneiie in Brittany. After Lamennais left, Guerin went to Paris, where he taught at the College Stanislas, and contributed to the journals. In 1838 he married a Creole lady, but died of consumption in the following year in his native province. He left two poems, Le Centaure and La Bacchante, which in 1862 were published with his letters and journals. He attracted the attention of Georges Sand and Sainte-Beuve, and there is a well-known essay by Matthew Arnold on Maurice and Eugenie de Guerin. The latter devoted her life to her brother, whom she survived nine years only.