Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Guadiana (anciently Anas), a river of Spain and Portugal, called in its upper course Zancara, rises in the E. of the province of La Mancha, and flows S.W. to a series of lakes called "Ojos," and which were formerly regarded as supplying the main stream. Then taking the name of Guadiana, it flows W. to Badajoz, and then S., forming part of the frontier, then through the Portuguese province of Alemtejo, then again to the frontier, between Huelva and Algarve "into the Bay of Cadiz. It is navigable for about 40 miles from the mouth, and its chief tributaries, all of which are on the left bank of the river, are the Javalon, Matachel, Ardila and Chanza.