Guadalquivir, an important river of Spain, well supplied all the year round with water from the Sierra Nevada. Rising in the province of Jaen, it flows S.W.. through Cordova and Seville, and then divides Huelva and Cadiz, and falls into the Bay of Cadiz, forming in its lower course two islands called respectively Isla Mayor and Isla Menor. Of its 374 miles of course, SO miles, to Seville, are navigable. Cordova is another town on its banks. With the exception of rapids in its passage through the Sierra Morena, the stream is slow, and the neighbouring region low and swampy and liable to floods. Its tributaries are the Guadajoz and Genii on the left bank, and the Guadalimar and Guadiato on the right. It figures largely in poetry, as the typical river of Spain.