Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Gregoryof Tours
Gregory of Tours, St., author of a History of the Franlis, was born at Clermont about 540. In 573 his own reputation as well as the position held by his family procured his election to the bishopric of Tours. The protection which he accorded to the victims of tyranny brought upon him the wrath of Fredegonde, but when charged by her with treason he was acquitted. In 581 he acted as mediator between Chilperic and Childebert, and as he grew older his political influence continued to increase. He died at Tours in 594. The Historia Francorum, of which there are ten books, is the earliest of French chronicles. It is utterly uncritical, but is valuable none the less as.an honest record. Gregory also wrote a treatise, De Miraculis.