Gregoryof Nyssa
Gregory of Nyssa, St., a younger brother of St. Basil, was born about 330, and was ordained Bishop of Nyssa in Cappadocia about 372. He was deposed by Arian influence for three years, but returned in 378. In 381 at the Council of Constantinople he was an eloquent champion of orthodoxy, and the additions then made to the Nicene Creed are thought to have been due to him. Next year he visited Jerusalem, and in his letter De Euntibus Hierosolyma condemned the practice of pilgrimage. In 385 he delivered the funeral orations of Pulcheria and the Empress Placilla.
He died between 395 and 400. He was the author of numerous works, of which the chief were the 'Treatise against Eunomins, controversial works against the Arians, Manicheeans, and other heretics, and several expository and homiletical works.