Gregoryof Nazianzus
Gregory of Nazianzus, St., a father of the Eastern Church, was born in Cappadocia about 330. While studying at Athens he became acquainted with Basil. After acting for some years as assistant to his father, who was Bishop of Nazianzus, he on his death in 374 retired to Seleucia, About 379, however, he was summoned to Constantinople to head the orthodox party there, and, having been a successful champion, was made bishop with the sanction of Theodosius. His promotion, however, seems to have caused some jealousy, and he soon resigned and retired to Nazianzus, where he died about 390. He gained the surname of "Theologus" for his defence of the doctrine of the Trinity; and his invectives against Julian are well known. He was also an able letter-writer and a powerful orator.