Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Gratz, or Graz, the capital of Styriain Austria, is picturesquely situated on the river Mur, 141 miles S.S.W. of Vienna by rail. On a steep hill in the centre of the town stand the remains of the citadel, which was destroyed by; the French in 1809. Within the town (here are many ancient buildings, including a cathedral which dates from 1462, the castle of: the Dukes of Styria, the Landhaus where the nobles of the Duchy assembled, and a university, founded in 1586, which has a library of 120,000 volumes. The Johanneum, or technical school, was established in 1812. The chief industry is the manufacture of steel and iron -goods; wine, sugar, and perfumery are also articles of trade.