Granville, George Leveson-Gower, Earl (1815-1891), an English statesman, was educated at Eton and Oxford. In 1836 he became M.P.for Morpeth, and in 1840 for Lichfield. He soon was appointed Under Foreign Secretary, and in 1846 succeeded to the earldom. In 1851 he joined Lord John Russell's Government, and in 1853 was President of the Council. In 1865 he was appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and in 1868 was Colonial Secretary in Mr. Gladstone's first Government. In 1870 he became Foreign Secretary on the death of Lord Clarendon, and in this capacity carried on the negotiations which secured the neutrality of Belgium, and those which arranged with Russia the position which Afghanistan should occupy as between Great Britain and Russia. In 1880 he was again Foreign Secretary, and Colonial Secretary in the short-lived Government of 1886.