Gracchus, the name of a family of the Roman gens Sempronia. The first member of the family to attain importance was (1) Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, who became magister equitum after the battle of Cannee, and was consul 215-213 B.C. (2) Tiberius, who married Cornelia, daughter of Scipio Africanus, the model Roman matron, esteemed for the manner in which she devoted herself to the education of her children. This Tiberius conquered the Celtiberi, but won their hearts by the kindness and justness with which he treated them. He afterwards became consul, and as censor, though severe, was highly regarded. His two sons - Cornelia's "jewels" - were Tiberius and Caius, who were two of the most prominent men in Roman history. [Rome.] The distinguishing features of all the family seem to have been loftiness of character combined with fascination of manners.