Gore Sir John
Gore, Sir John, British naval officer, was born at Kilkenny in 1772, entered the navy in 1780, and served in the attempted relief of Cornwallis at Yorktown, and in Rodney's actions in 1782. In 1794 he distinguished himself ashore at Toulon, and subsequently in Corsica, where he was under Nelson's orders. In that year he was posted, and in 1795, having taken part in her capture, was appointed to the Censeur, 74. In her he was taken by a squadron under Admiral Richery, after a most brilliant defence. He was soon exchanged, and was afterwards employed in the Medusa, Nelson's flag-ship, in the operations against the Invasion Flotilla. Later he assisted in the capture of three valuable Spanish treasure-ships, and for this exploit he was knighted. He served almost continuously, and was many times in action, until his promotion to flag-rank in 1814, whereupon he assumed command in the Adriatic and the Levaut, and took possession of Corfu. He was commanderin-chief in the Medway from 1818 to 1821, and, after doing other services, died a vice-admiral in 1836.