Gordianus, or Gordian, a name borne by three Roman emperors. Marcus Antonius Africanus Gordianus assumed the purple in 238 jointly with his son, being at that time pro-consul in Africa. They were, however, speedily overthrown by Capellianus, who represented the deposed Emperor Maximin in Mauretania. The Senate then called Maximus and Balbinus to share the throne, and with them Marcus Antonius Gordianus Pius, a mere boy, was associated in the imperial dignity. His two colleagues being killed in a revolt of the Praetorian Guards, the young Gordianus reigned alone, under the tutelage of his father-in-law, Misitheus. On the death of the latter, probably through poison administered by his rival Philip, the emperor then marching to quell an insurrection in Persia was murdered by his soldiers (244 A.D.) on the banks of the Euphrates.