Gonorrhoea, a disease characterised by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital passages with purulent discharge. The malady is how known to be due to a specific micro-organism, and infection is transmitted from one subject to another by direct contagion. The inflammatory mischief is accompanied by great pain in the acute stage, and chronic trouble is apt to be left behind after the force of the disease is spent - a thin watery discharge sometimes persisting for years. Matters are sometimes complicated by the supervention of an exceedingly intractable affection of the joints known as gonorrhoeal rheumatism, and among the sequela; of the disease stricture of the urethra may be mentioned as a frequent and distressing after-trouble in the male subject. The serious nature of the malady urgently demands that the sufferer should obtain proper medical advice from the outset, and on no account should reliance be placed in any quack, remedy. The discharge in the acute stage is eminently contagious, and is capable of being inoculated upon the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva. When such