Goldi, a Mongolic people of north-east Asia, Amour basin, settled chiefly along the right bank of the main stream between the Sungari and Gorin confluences, and also in the Usuri river valley. The Goldi, who are a branch of the Tungus race [Tungus], are the Yu-pi-ta-tze or "Fish-skins" of the Chinese, being so named from their national costume, a long flowing robe of Chinese pattern made of prepared salmon skins. They live entirely by fishing and hunting, varying their fish diet with a little rice or millet, which they receive from the Manchu and Chinese dealers in exchange for peltries and dried fish. They cultivate no land, and keep no domestic animals, except a few cats, pigs, and a breed of dogs like those of the Eskimo. Nevertheless, they are very fond of animals, keeping menageries of bears, wolves, and foxes, and aviaries of wild ducks, geese, and eagles. The type is distinctly Mongolic, marked by a yellowish complexion, flat features, short stature, and black, lank hair. (Venukof, in Petermann's Mittheilungen, 1862.)