Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Gogand Magog
Gog and Magog, names given to the giants in the Guildhall. The figures now to be seen were made in 1708, the old ones, which dated from the reign of Henry V., having perished in the Fire of London. There are various stories about them, but in Caxton'.s story Gog and Magog are the last two descendants of a race of giants who were conquered by Brut the Trojan, who made the two prisoners porters in his palace in London. In the Bible Magog is sometimes a man and sometimes a country, as in Ezekiel (xxxviii.). In Revelation, (xx.) Gog and Magog together represent the nations opposing the triumph of the Kingdom of God. The Gog-Magog hills, near which there are traces of a Roman camp, are in south-east Cambridgeshire.