Glastonbury, a small town in the centre of Somersetshire, 25 miles S.W. of Bath. Its traditions go back even farther than those of Canterbury to British times. It was the Avalon of King Arthur, and here, according to William of Malmesbury, Joseph of Arimathtea founded the first British church. Here, in historical times, Ine, King of the West Saxons, built a church, in which, refounded by Dunstan, were buried the Saxon kings, Edmund, Eadgar, and Eadmund Ironside. The abbey was destroyed by fire at the end of Henry II.'s reign, and rebuilt during the next century. The last abbot was hanged on the Tor - a hill 500 feet high, which overlooks the town - in the time of Henry "VIII. The Abbot's kitchen (14th century) is still to be seen, and also the chapel of St. Joseph (Transition Norman), standing on the site of the ancient building.
Glastonbury has in addition two parish churches, a 15th century inn, and other relics of mediaeval times. Sheepskins, rugs.and pottery are made in the town. In a village two miles off Fielding was born.