Gilpin, Bernard (1517-83), an English reformer, called "the Apostle of the North," was born at Kentmire, Westmoreland. He was Educated at Oxford, where he was converted to Protestantism by the preaching of Peter Martyr. After studying at Louvain, he was appointed Archdeacon of Durham and rector of Easington, and distinguished himself as a zealous reformer. He next became incumbent of Houghton-le-Spring, whence he was hurried to London by order of Bonner on a charge of heresy. He was saved from the stake by an accident which befell him on the journey, and meanwhile Queen Mary died. He was offered by Elizabeth the see of Carlisle and the provostship of his old college (Queen's), but preferred to remain in his parish. He obtained a general licence to preach, and made use of it in all the northern counties with great success.