Ghiberti, Lorenzo, an Italian sculptor (1378-1455), was born at Florence. He was first trained to his father's calling of goldsmith, but soon took to fresco-painting. When the plague attacked Florence, he went to Rimini, where he painted a. fresco for Pandulfo Malatesta. Later the Florentines wished for bronze gates to the Baptistery to match one that had been executed by Andrea Pisano. A competition was instituted, and the successful designs were those of Donatello, Brunelleschi, and Ghiberti. Finally the work was entrusted to Ghiberti, and he set to work. The first gate took him 20 years to execute, and during this period the Council of Florence was held, and brought him new friends and patrons. The second gate, like the first, illustrated subjects from the Old Testament,' and the two gates have a wide fame. Ghiberti also made statues of SS. John Baptist, Matthew, and Stephen for the church of St. Michael. He also wrote a commentary upon his art.