Gerson, John of (1363-1439), a noted chief of the University of Paris, and a man of great influence in the General Councils of Pisa and Constance. He was born at Gerson in the Ardennes, and was sent to Paris to the College of Navarre at the age of 14. At 19 he became a Licentiate of Arts, and then studied theology under a noted professor. In 1384 he became a Bachelor of Theology, and in 1387 he was sent to the Pope at Avignon to plead the cause of one who had been expelled for disputing the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. In 1392 he became Doctor of Theology, and in 1395 Chancellor of the University of Paris. He directed his efforts towards reformation in the Church, and was earnest in his endeavours to put an end to the Papal schism.