Gers, -a French department between Lot-et-Garonne on the N. and the Hautes and the Basses Pyrenees on the S., having Landes on the W. It is 75 miles long by 53 miles wide, and contains 2,425 square miles. It is generally hilly, especially in the S., where the Pyrenees send out spurs, some of which are 1,200 feet above sea-level, and enclose pretty valleys opening out at the mouth to a width of 3 or 4 miles. Most of the department lies in the basin of the Garonne, into which run the Save, Gers, Baise, etc., and the W. part is drained by the Adour. The climate is healthy, though changeable, and there is seldom snow or frost. Much of it is covered with wood, meadow, and heath, and a part is given up to vineyards. From the vine is distilled a brandy known as Armagnac. There are many cattle, sheep, mules, and poultry. Auch is the capital.