Gentian, the name of a genus of gamopetalous, herbaceous plants, comprising about 150 species and forming the type of the order Gentianaceae. They are perennial plants with apposite, decussate, simple, sessile, and entire leaves and cymoselygrouped, polysymmetric, tetramerous, or pentamerous flowers. The calyx is valvate, and the corolla contorted in the bud: the stamens form one whorl, and are epipetalous and included; and the two carpels unite in a one-chambered, many-seeded ovary with two stigmas, which gives rise to a capsular fruit. The corolla is commonly a deep blue, such species occurring at an altitude of 16,000 feet in the Himalayas: red flowers are almost confined to the Andean forms; and white and yellow also occur. They belong mostly to hilly or mountainous situations in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Five species are natives of the British Isles. [Gentisin.]