Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Genseric, King of the Vandals, was born at Seville about 406 A.D. He was chosen to succeed his elder brother in 427. On the invitation of the rebel general Boniface, he attacked the African colonies of Rome in 429, and compelled the emperor to surrender to him Western Numidia and Mauretania. Eudocia in 455 begged him to take vengeance on Maximus for the murder of Valentinian, and he Btormed and sacked Rome, carrying off the empress and her daughter as prisoners. Neither Majorian nor Leo was successful in their attempts to punish the barbarian, who pushed his conquests from Sicily to Corsica and from Thrace to Asia Minor and Egypt. He died in 477, and his dominions were to some extent dismembered by Belisarius.