Gavarni, a pseudonym adopted by Sulpice Paul Guillaume Chevalier, the famous French caricaturist, who was born in Paris of very humble parents in 1801. Starting in life as a workman in an engineer's factory, he cultivated during leisure moments his taste for figure-drawing, but it was not till his thirty-fourth year that he managed to get some of his sketches published by a journal of fashions. His talents soon became appreciated, and he was appointed editor of Les Gens du Monde, from which he passed to Le Charivari as a satirist of the men, women, and manners of contemporary France. His pencil" found material in every social stratum. He was in great demand, too, as an illustrator of books, and Le Juif Errant, Les Contes de Hoffmann, Les Physiologies of Aubert, and an edition of Balzac's novels are among his chief efforts in that line. Gavarni vvas- also a man of scientific tastes, and before his death in 1866 sent several papers to the Academie des Sciences.