Gascoigne, Sir William (eirc. 1350-1419), an English judge, was born at Gawthorpe, in Yorkshire, and educated at Cambridge. He became a member of the Inner Temple, and pleaded in Richard II.'s reign. In 1397 he became King's Sergeant, and held an estate for the banished Duke of Hereford, who, upon his accession, confirmed Gascoigne's patent as King's Sergeant, and made him Lord Chief Justice in 1400. He is said to have tried Northumberland and the other rebels in 1405, but this is very doubtful. The story of his collision with the Prince of Wales and hie imprisonment of the prince is probably apocryphal. He appears to have been a good judge, and his son served in the wars of Henry V., and became High Sheriff of York, while his grandson was knighted by Henry VII.