Garo (Garrow), the most primitive branch of the Kachari people, Garo Hills and Goalpara, Kamrup and Mymensingh districts, West Assam. There are three main divisions - Abong in the south-east, Abengga in the south-west, and Achik elsewhere, with total population about 110,000, of whom over 80,000are in the Garo Hills. The collective national name is Mande, and all speak dialects of a language closely akin to the Bodo (Kachari) of North-east Assam. The Garo are of Mongolian type, with black, oblique eyes, flat features, dirty yellowish complexion, short, squat figures, sullen expression. Like their Khassia neighbours, they raise rude monolithic monuments, similar to those of North Africa, Brittany, and Stonehenge, and their religion is a gross fetishism, formerly accompanied by human sacrifices. (Dalton, Ethnology of Bengal; Major Godwin Austen, On the Garo Bills, in Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1875.) Garonne, The, a river of France (Latin Garumna), rises in the Spanish Pyrenees, flows through a gorge, and enters France near Pont du Roi, and flows N.W., and, joining with the Dordogne, widens out two or three miles to form the Gironde, and falls into the Bay of Biscay. The islands and banks of the estuary form two channels, and the lower parts are subject to inundation. On the right bank are the tributary Salat, Ariege, Tarn, Lot, and Dordogne, and on the left the Neste, Bouge, Save, Gers. Baise, and C'iron. Boats can go upwards from Toulouse to the junction of the Salat, and sea-going vessels can go thirty-two miles above Bordeaux.