Gardner, Lord. Two British naval officers of note have borne this title. The first, Alan Gardner, born in 1742, was son of Lieutenant-Colonel Gardner, and, before becoming a lieutenant, was present in the glorious battle of Quiberon Bay in 1759. He was made cocmnander in 1762, and captain in 1766. In the Maidstone, 28, he signalised himself by the capture of the Lion, 40, and in the Sultan, 74, he behaved with remarkable bravery in Byron's action off Grenada in 1779, and in Cornwallis's action with M. de Ternay in 1780. In the Du.lce, 98, he took part in Rodney's actions in the West Indies in 1782, and, on April 12, was the first to break the French line. In 1791 he was made a Lord of the Admiralty; in 1793 a rear-admiral; and in 1794 was one of the flag-officers in Howe's victory of June 1st. For this service he was made a baronet, and promoted to be vice-admiral. In 1795 he bore a slight part in Bridport's action, and in 1797, on the occasion of the mutiny in the fleet, distinguished himself not less by his zeal than by his rashness and threatened severity. He became a full admiral in 1799, and in 1800 was created an Irish baron, and in 1800 a baron of the United Kingdom. After having for a brief space commanded the Channel Fleet, he died in 1809. His son and successor, Alan Hyde, born in 1772, became a captain in 1790, a rear-admiral in 1808, and a vice-admiral in 1813. In 1796 he secured the surrender of the Dutch possessions in Ceylon; in 1805 he commanded the Hero. 74, in Calder's action, and later in the same year he assisted in Strachan's victory. After his promotion to flag-rank he commanded a squadron that observed the Scheldt and Texel. His death occurred in 1815.